
Church leaders must prayerfully guard against sexual abuse, domestic violence —Pastor Lanre-Oke


Pastor (Dr) Femi Lanre-Oke

Pastor (Dr) Femi Lanre-Oke of the Jesus Praise Evangelical Ministries International, Abuja speaks on various issues affecting the church, among others.

The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) established the directorate of politics and governance before the election. Do you see the move as a good one?

I see it as an application in the sense that it was meant to meet a certain need. I believe that it is one of the measures to incorporate the people in the Christian faith into leadership and governance. It is okay. It is a step taken in the right direction. We need the church to be part of the political system now more than ever because the church is the body of Christ, we need to bring Christ and the government of God into the government of the nation. So, the church needs to be active and committed to such.

There is the present challenge of sexual abuse and domestic violence even among Christians. What are you doing as a church leader to stem the tide?

Our role is to educate the people and tell them what the word of God says about such lifestyles. We are to teach and give people direction and prayerfully guide them. We also urge the government to play the role of enforcing its laws on sexual abuse and domestic violence.

Many churches are also being accused of occult practices and syncretism. How will you react to this?

I don’t know any of the churches in such categories. But then, we cannot say there won’t be any of such but that is not godly. There is nothing you want to do in occultism. You cannot be preaching light and living in darkness. It is not going to help you. People should be mindful. Rather than looking for things of the world, they should stay with God.

There are some sections of people kicking against the inauguration of the president-elect because they feel the election was fraudulent. Do you think this call may have any stand?

I think people who are against the inauguration of the president-elect have their own personal interests. It is normal when you have your interest and your interest is not presented, or it is not a reality you want to protest. That is what those opposed to his inauguration are doing.

But do you see Nigeria faring better under the Tinubu-led government?

If he does well, Nigerians will definitely smile at him. But if he does not do well, people will be angry with him. I think we have to wait and see what his government will offer.

Some are advocating an interim government. Do you see a merit in this call?

We don’t plan for such, and we don’t pray for such. Rather we pray for God’s will to be done in Nigeria. We are not praying for any interim government at all. I think there is a need for us to be circumspect and make do with what we have as a nation. There are issues we are battling with like insecurity. But then the military is putting in its best. They are doing all they can, so it would be wrong to say that the Federal Government or the present administration has done nothing.


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