
Pastor Kumuyi urges youth to shun evil influence

Pastor W.F. Kumuyi

Pastor Williams Kumuyi, General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry(DCLM), has charged Ghanaian youths and young people across the world to shun evil influence.

Kumuyi, who gave the charge on Saturday in Accra, the Ghanaian capital, urged youths to jettison evil attitudes and influences and lay a righteous foundation that would make them have a great and prosperous future.

The renowned cleric while preaching on a message entitled, “Pressing Upward To Higher Heights,” at the Accra Sports Stadium, sub-divided his message into three parts namely; The Foundation for a Successful High Height; The Fortitude for Sustaining Higher Heights; and The Fitness for Securing Our Highest Heights.

Going down memory lane, he recalled his past life while growing up, how he was toeing the path of waywardness, but turned to a new leaf as he “woke up” and refocused his energy on the path of excellence.

He, therefore, tasked the youth to think and look inward and wake up to take charge of their future.

He said: “I am calling you today, my sons and daughters, let us lay the main foundation of your life, personality, and all those other things that make us run here and go here, and let us push them aside and you will be called an expert in the field of your choice.”

He also stressed the importance of a good moral foundation that would help their future, noting that there is prevalent moral decadence among the youth.

According to him, negative influence has crumbled the moral foundation among youth, adding that building up of moral foundation is in Jesus Christ.

The global gospel evangelist also said youth are to lay what he called “a mandated foundation” for their course, career, and profession by looking at those who have been there in that profession as well as make research about the profession.

Kumuyi also counseled them to avoid distractions from people and themselves and focus on fortifying themselves with basic academic preparations for their exams, which according to him, must start from their minds; mind to study, read, practice, focus and occupied with academic activities instead of engaging in unnecessary activities and games that could lead them to failure.

Meanwhile, the clergyman emphasised the need for young people to avoid falling into former habits and hindrances, as he urged them to fortify themselves with what he described as “Fortifying Habits” such as listening to teachers, counselors and people that give useful information and practising good moral habits each day.

He also underscored the need for them to embrace a faithful Helper, Jesus Christ, who will make them succeed, because without Him, there cannot be lasting success.

Meanwhile, hundreds of participants surrendered their lives to Christ.

The Impact Academy Programme also had Insightful seminars, symposiums, intelligentsia, questions and answers, variety session showcasing spoken words and painting, music amongst others.

Some top Ghanaian Government officials were in attendance including the Ghanaian Deputy Minister for Education, Hon. Reverend John Ntim-Fordjour, and a representative of the Nigerian High Commission to Ghana.


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