
What singles can learn from Enoch movie



By Ruth Anastasia


The biography film of Pa E.A Adeboye, which was just released for viewing, was trending on YouTube with over a million views; countless testimonies have been born from the views, and many more are still to come.


The film, which premiered on his 81st birthday, March 2nd, depicts his experiences as a child and his walk with Christ. It depicts his background as a member of the RCCG (Redeem Christian Church of God) and his progression to becoming the current general overseer.


The film also depicts the marital story of Pa Adeboye and his wife Mummy Folu Adeboye, showcasing their encounter and progress. Although no one can tell the entirety of the marriage story, the little we saw can teach us some lessons about Christian relationships that some can live with


Many times singles are encouraged to go places and mingle; they attend single programs, hoping not only for God to answer their prayers but to also meet with other singles and sure it is a good avenue but then from Enoch the movie, we see that another means of meeting with one’ betrothal is a friend. One’ friend can be the bridge to meeting one’ spouse and it should be a good trend. It is actually beautiful when you can be recommended.


Being in Christ means that we continue to grow in Christ; as both Pa Adeboye and Mommy Folu demonstrate. Mama Folu, who had given Pa Adeboye a bible and a handkerchief on his birthday, may have done so with a Religious gesture of giving him something divine rather than sweets and written a beautiful love letter that was insignificant. She may have given him a bible in the hope that he would read it and get closer to Jesus. Despite his father’s prayers and his honorable character, which led to his principal letting him sign an IOU (I owe you) form, there was never any clear evidence that Pa Adeboye had surrendered his life to Christ even before receiving the gift of a bible from Mummy Folu- this should be noted because many people believe that a fellow (male or female) must be well grounded before they can have anything (friendship or relationship) with them but in reality we are to sharpen Some cannot sharpen others because they are too blunt, but no one can cast out another because everyone has been grafted in and anyone can be grafted out.


Getting married in church in our traditional attire is a cost-effective practice we could embrace. This is not to say that a white wedding gown should be ignored, but if it is more cost effective for you to get married in your traditional attire at the church, don’t be afraid to do so. A marriage consists of more than just the wedding ceremony.


Pa Adeboye and Mummy Folu both had a decent upbringing and knew the fundamentals of Christianity, but they were both open to growing in Christ. They were not critical of one another and encouraged one another while they continued their marriage. They weren’t perfect, but they helped each other improve. One thing was certain: there had been no dream or vision that had brought them together. Pa Adeboye was attracted to mummy Folu, and he took the necessary measures and actions; he made his intentions known and wasn’t hesitant to meet with her father. She also bought him a gift, without assuming he would be the one to buy hers first as many do


We observe mommy Folu remaining submissive and assisting throughout their journey in marriage and Christ. She does not abandon her desire to know Christ personally, nor does she abandon her desire to assist Pa Adeboye in growing in his understanding of him.


Simple relationship gestures can lead to a variety of outcomes that take two people on an adventure. Several people have lost out because they were too religious about the deals, while others were too carefree (which isn’t always a bad thing) to take any action at all.


Being single means being content with yourself; it means knowing and appreciating yourself and your creator—doing so makes it easier to participate in other activities.



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