
What to do as a child of God when things are not working well for you- Evang. Mike Bamiloye

Evang. Mike Bamiloye 

Popular Drama Minister and Evangelist, Mike Bamiloye in a recent post on his official Facebook page sends an important message to believers.

 According to him, God is searching around for people He could use for great works and massive assignment. He is looking for people who He has called for His purpose whom He could turn to anything to suit His purpose. Therefore at times, the way of promotion of God is not always upward.

He then said, at times, when God would use you for his purpose and promote you, you have to go downward first, before he could bring you upward. At times, it is necessary you are embarrassed first in the process of serving His Purpose, before you can embrace promotions and lifting. And in most cases, in order for God to get access to some great personalities, He could turn you to their slaves so that He could send you to them with His message.

He then reveals what you should do as a child of God if things are not working fine for you. He said, "When you are a child of God and you love God dearly, and you see that things are not working fine for you, Instead of promotions, it is demotions, instead of lifting up, you are seeing casting down. Instead of success, you think you are seeing failure, WAIT! All you need to do is to wait because the Bible says: "all things work together for them that love God, to them that are the called according to his purpose,"

So, you may be seeing failure and God is seeing success. Your own definition of Success may be completely different from that of God. Do you love God dearly? Are you called by God for his purpose? Then, the Bible says whatever is happening afterwards is working together for your good. No wonder the Bible says in I Thessalonians 5:18, "In everything, give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ for you."


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