
Any marriage that doesn't project peace is not of God, says Pastor Kajogbola


Pastor Tunde Kajogbola

By 'Gbenga Bankole

The Presiding Pastor of Graceway Chapel International, Pastor Tunde Kajogbola has said any marriage that doesn't project peace is not of God. 

Pastor Kajogbola stated this today while ministering on the topic "Contemporary Marriage Mirror" taking his text from "Amos 3:3" at the 40th Wedding Anniversary of the Zonal Superintendent of Christ Apostolic Church, Life and Zone, Pastor Mich 'Tunji Oladapo and his wife, Mrs. Jumoke Oladapo.

The Cleric stated that what is obtainable in most marriages in the society today is contrary to the Scripture and purpose of God for marriage.

Citing Amos chapter 3 verse 3 which says 'Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?', the clergyman opined that what we see today are couples who are together but not agreed and couples who are living together but not in unity and love of God. 

Commending the celebrants (Pastor & Mrs. Oladapo), Pastor Kajogbola said 40 years in marriage is not a joke, adding that "we see companionship, promotion of kingdom assignment and promotion of peace in the house of God in this marriage. Any Pastor who doesn't have a goldy home or marriage is not a Pastor. Any marriage that doesn't project peace is not of God. A marriage must project God."

The renowned Minister of the Gospel of Christ also said "we no longer see love in most marriages of today. Love must be in truth and in action (1st John 2:18). If you're in marriage and you don't have the commitment of love to your spouse in fairness to God, you're not qualified to be in marriage. 

Pastor Kajogbola further stated that 

the Kingdom of God is no longer promoted or sustained in the marriage of today (John 2:1-8), adding that we no longer invite Jesus Christ to our marriages, what most people do today is show-off.

According to him, some people marry today for change of name, economic and personal security, secret deal etc.

Conclusively, Pastor Kajogbola quoted Revelation chapter 19 verse 7 which says 'Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready', as he urged the congregation to be prepared for the marriage of the Lamb where Jesus will be the bride of the saints.

To the joy of heaven, many people gave their lives to Christ when altar call was made.


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