
Jacob did not mention earrings when He told His people to put away strange gods - Pastor Kumuyi


Pastor W.F Kumuyi

Pastor W.F Kumuyi, the General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministry spoke to his members on "Return, Renew Your Life And Ministry At Bethel" at a recent leadership development service.

In one of his sub-topics, he talked about "Demanded Condition, An Explicit, Submissive Expression" and read the book of Genesis 35:2-5. God told Jacob to go up to Bethel, dwell there make an altar unto Him. Then Jacob told his household to put away all the strange gods among them and be clean. Then, "they gave unto Jacob all the strange gods which were in their hand, and all their earrings which were in their ears; and Jacob hid them under the oak which was by Shechem".

According to the Cleric, before the Lord talked to Jacob at this time, he knew a lot of things but he said little.

He knew the condition of his family, he knew that they had garments that are not suitable for the presence of God, but he didn't speak. 

Pastor Kumuyi then said that we know a lot of things around us and in our family as a member of the family. And when God told Jacob to return back to bethel, Jacob then said unto his household, and to all that were with him, put away the strange gods that are among you, and be clean, and change your garments.

He further explained that when Jacob told them to put away the strange gods, he didn't mention earrings but they knew in their hearts that they had made idols with earrings and they were sincere even though Jacob did not mention that. They knew earrings have become idols, and when the Shekem were passing by, he hid those earrings and he didn't sell the earrings to them, they gave up everything, if they had done that and gone back to those idols, they will not be at the centre of the will of God.

Finally, are there any things that are taking the place of God in your life, they are Idols and you need to do away with them. You know those things because they are denying you from serving God and you need to act fast and do away with them. Make yourself pure and clean before God because He's coming back to take us home.


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