
Religious body donates wheelchairs to less privileged Nigerians, public hospital


A religious institution, the Jesus Christ Church of Latter-Day Saints, have donated wheelchairs to disabled Nigerians in Cross River state.

Besides, a public health institution, the General Hospital Akamkpa as well as the Muslim community also benefitted from the donation.

The gesture by the church newsmen learnt is consistent with the commands of Jesus and has been running right from the inception of the church but formalised in 1985.

Speaking in Calabar while donating the wheelchairs, Alex Ngoro, the Calabar Nigeria Stake president of the church said the donation is aimed to meeting the needs of the less privileged in the society in line with the commands of Jesus Christ.

On his part, Ekong Akwaowo, president Calabar Nigeria North Stake said the exercise happens almost quarterly in different parts of Nigeria and the world.

Also speaking, Charles Adebayo the Regional Manager for Welfare and Self Reliance Services of the church said the donation is not limited to church members but to every human being and charged the beneficiaries to make good use of the items.

Responding, Shaaban Abdullahi, the Secretary of Muslim Community in Cross River state commended the church for the gesture saying it shows religious tolerance.

Also speaking, a representative of the General Hospital Akamkpa, Angela said the hospital lacked wheelchairs and posed a major challenge in moving patients.

She said the two chairs given to the hospital will assist a great deal in prompt medical delivery.



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