
Pastor Kumuyi clears misconceptions about women covering their hair in the church

Pastor W.F. Kumuyi

Pastor W.F. Kumuyi, the General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church worldwide clears misconceptions about covering hair in the church in a recent bible study programme. 

It is of no doubt that women are meant to cover their hair in the church while praying and prophesying but the man of God shed more light on the issue. He read from the book of 1 Corinthians 11: 5 which says;"every woman that prayeth and prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head; for that is even all one as if she were shaven."

The man of God however explained an instance of a lady coming to church with hair uncovered. 

"As leaders in the church, we run outside and give her a scarf to cover her hair. We don' t know if she is born again; we don' t know whether she knows anything about prayer or not; we don' t know whether she knows anything about prophesying or not, but we delay her outside telling her that she must cover her hair before entering.

"That could be an hindrance to them getting saved and understanding God's word. They don' t know how to pray or prophesy but all we impose on them is to cover their head. It is very right but it could be offensive to them. Such a lady could feel badly treated and decide not to go to that church again," the Cleric said.

According to the man of God, because we do not know how to position the word of God, we drive a lot of people away, adding that it should not be so.

In conclusion;"it is important we understand the word of God amidst taking sensitive decisions. Women are to cover their head in the church and during prayer and prophesying," he said.


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