
You are not wasting time serving the Lord, you are investing into your future - Bishop Abioye

Bishop David Abioye

A Senior Pastor and Vice President of Living Faith Church Worldwide, Bishop David Abioye, has admonished that serving the Lord is not a waste of time, rather an investment into blessing and into the future. 

The cleric stated this recently in a sermon titled "Spiritual Stewardship Pays The Most" where he declared that, "it does not only pay, it pays the most. That suggests to us that there are some other ways by which we can be paid especially as we go about our daily work in different places. Church Gist. What men pay us brings us to the realm of riches but what God pays us brings us to the realm of blessing."

Bishop Adeoye also stated that, "you may be counting “how many people do we have in this Church?” They are many but the many compared with the remaining is still small. It may amaze that as large as this Church is, the Faith Tabernacle, by the help of God, perhaps we are still one per cent of the population of Lagos, Ogun State."

"So where is the pride? He bade many to come. Before you say we are many, compare it with the people remaining to come. It’s like somebody scored 10 per cent in an exam and he is so excited that there are people who are scoring 1 per cent. 10 per cent; 1 per cent; both are failure. Compare what is here with what is outside."

"You are not wasting time serving the Lord, you are investing into your future. You are investing into blessing."

"It is not acceptable for anyone to come to Church with empty seats in their car. If your car cannot pick people, it is reduced to a can. You are the only one there, you canned yourself inside."

"What men pay us brings us to the realm of riches but what God pays us brings us to the realm of blessing. Riches cannot give blessing but blessing can give riches."


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