
Don't fight the Word of God, it can never be proven wrong - Bishop Oyedepo

Bishop David Oyedepo

The Founder and Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church International a.k.a Winners' Chapel, Bishop David Oyedepo, has affirmed the Bible as the Word of God which is validly reliable and should not be fought against.

Bishop Oyedepo stated this recently at Faith Tabernacle Ota, where he urged the congregants not to fight against the Word of God, the Bible.

He stated that, "I believed this mandate was global when it was not even local because He said it “the hour has come to liberate the world” not the street, not the community, the world. We put on our sign board ‘LIVING FAITH WORLD OUTREACH' people were passing and laughing at us. I believed it. That you don’t believe it doesn’t matter. You don’t need anybody's faith to secure the fulfillment of God’s agenda for your life."

"You may not believe a prophet but the Bible is the most prophetic volume of all prophecies. It is the mouth of God that is gathered here. I received the prophecy of Matthew 6:33 and it is still decorating my destiny. I received the grace of Deuteronomy 8:18 on the platform of giving and receiving, I received it. It is called the most sure word of prophecy," he said.

The clergyman expressed that, "don’t believe what I say, believe what He says in this volume. In case I am in error, this one is error proof. Don’t refer to my prophecies, take this one. It has never been proved wrong once, it has always triumphed over it’s enemies. Do you want to stay healthy? This book shall not depart from your mouth. It shall be health to all your flesh. Every page here is prophecy. Don’t fight this book, it’s a risk. Never cast aspersion over the Bible."


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