
It’s sad people think Christians in politics won’t make heaven – RCCG’s Deacon Omole


Banjo Omole

A deacon in the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Banjo Omole, speaks to ALEXANDER OKERE about Christians in politics and his forthcoming praise project

Can you introduce yourself?

My name is Deacon Banjo Omole. I am a deacon in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

Are you a full-time cleric?

No. I am even a politician. I am the Chairman of the All Progressives Congress in the Ifako/Ijaiye Local Government Area (Lagos). I was formerly a minister there (at RCCG).

For how long have you been a deacon?

I became a deacon in 2012. I was ordained a deacon by the General Overseer, Pastor E. A. Adeboye, at the RCCG camp. 

So, how do you play politics in Nigeria and still practise Christianity with dedication?

It is good for Christians to be active in politics. One could be a good Christian and still be a good politician. To be a good politician, a Christian must have the ability to pray so the Holy Spirit can lead them in whatever they do. People always say politics is murky and challenging but even in the ministry (church), we face some challenges. That is life, so one cannot run away from it. Christians are encouraged to participate in politics. Daniel (in the Bible) was called to participate and he was a leader. So, we should not run away from it but we have to be prayerful and live a holy life. If Christians don’t participate in politics, the unbelievers and idol worshippers would take control and there is nothing anyone can do about that.

Why do you think Christians are avoiding politics?

Some Christians, particularly, the Pentecostals, believe that anyone who participates in politics cannot make heaven but that is not true. A person can be a worker in an office or do other things and not make heaven. Some people also believe politics would pollute their Christian life but it is not true. Many of us participate (in politics) from the grassroots because if we don’t, we cannot rise to the top, become a leader or contest elections. I contested the House of Assembly election four or five times and also contested the House of Representatives election.

It is sad that some people think Christians in politics won’t go to heaven. If Christians take part in politics and grow, they can influence decisions and help their fellow Christians. We should not leave governance to those who are not Christians.

These days, many Nigerians have had reasons to question the personalities of politicians who also identify themselves as pastors. What’s your take on that?

Not all Christian politicians have questionable personalities. Unfortunately, a lot of people call themselves pastors. In Nigeria, anybody can set up a church and call themselves a pastor. In the RCCG, a person would have spent at least 15 years before becoming a pastor – five years to become a deacon, five years to become an assistant pastor and another five years to become a full pastor. So, it takes training.

Last year, you launched a book on May 7 World Praise Day. What is the motivation behind that?

I believe in prayer and I always tell people that their crude oil is the power of the Holy Spirit in them and the ability to ask from God. The problem many Christians have is that they don’t use the Holy Spirit as they ought to. I was studying a course on Communication and Writing at the Nigerian Institute of Communication, Ogba, Lagos, in March 2014, when I heard a voice telling me to tell everyone created by God to praise Him on May 7 every year worldwide. That was how the Holy Spirit talked to me. It was a vision from God.

What informed the World Praise Day vision which formed part of that book?

It means the entire world should praise and thank God. This year, we are planning to have it on a larger scale. Anyone could praise God for 10 or 15 minutes or for as long as they can. It is our praise that God needs and when you praise him, you are asking God for something and inviting Him.

Is the World Praise Day project restricted to churches?

No, it is not restricted to churches. It is for every one created by God.

Are the Christian Association of Nigeria, and the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria playing any role in the project?

We plan to write to them and meet them. One must have a root. So, as Christians, we are going to inform them.

What should Nigerians and the rest of the world expect from the project?

The world should expect peace and development.

You were among those who emerged as party executives in Lagos when the APC held its congresses last year and there were reports of parallel congresses. How is the party handling the crisis?

There is no problem in our local government. Party leaders usually say that we had the most peaceful congress in the state – no crisis, no thuggery whatsoever.

But it was reported that there were two factions from the congress held in Ifako/Ijaiye and that you emerged from one of them. How true is that?

No, there is no faction. When the national reconciliation or appeal committee came to the state, they (aggrieved members) stated their case and they were listened to. When they (committee members) found that their case was nothing to write home about, there was not much to do. Since we started politics in Ifako Ijaiye in 1999, we have not lost even a councillor. We have always won by 100 per cent.

The Chairman, Caretaker Extraordinary Convention Planning Committee and Governor of Yobe State, Mai Mala Buni, on Tuesday announced that the APC national convention would be held on February 26, 2022. How is your council preparing for it?

It was with the council chairman this afternoon (Wednesday) and we discussed it. But when it comes to the issue of the convention, there is not much from the council. According to the APC constitution, those allowed to participate at the national convention are the local government chairman, the party chairman in the local government area and the party secretary in the local government area. This is in addition to the House of Assembly members and a member in the House of Representatives. We don’t have a senator here. But the rules may be changed; they may want to add one or two things.

What is your reaction to the report that the leadership of the APC may zone the position of the chairman to the North-Central?

Ah! Let it be zoned to the North-Central. When the APC was founded, the arrangement was that if the northerners have the presidency, the southerners should take over after eight years. But if they zone the chairmanship to the North-Central, it is good; it means we are sure the presidency will come to the South. It would not be like the Peoples Democratic Party that zoned it to Plateau State and still want to field a northerner as a presidential candidate. Let the southerners lead. We are all Nigerians and nobody has a monopoly of leadership.


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