
You’re playing with fire, Pastor Enenche blasts reporters of alleged attack on Dunamis church

Pastor Paul Enenche

Pastor Paul Enenche of Dunamis Gospel Church International, DGCI, has reacted to a purported attack on a branch of the church by armed robbers.

It would be recalled that a report emerged on some online news platform on Tuesday that armed men invaded a branch of the church in Bwari Area Council and attacked worshippers.

Some other versions stated that a security guard, who engaged the suspected armed robbers, was left injured.

Reacting to the reports, the renowned clergyman, during a sermon in the church, lambasted those purporting the news, saying it was a demonic agenda by enemies of the church to tarnish the image of the ministry.

Pastor Enenche, who described the report as untrue, said those reporting fake news are playing with hellfire, explaining that no such attack has ever happened in the church.

He said, “There was demonic news that someone drew my attention to saying that a devil’s church, not this church was invaded and worshippers were attacked by armed men.

"We live in a world that is striving on lies especially on social media. I don’t know if 80 to 90 percent of the news there is true. We also live in a world where people anticipate evil for others. From a rooted heart of bitterness, all manner of anything, the wickedness of heart, continuously expecting evil new.

“And then they push what is unreal, untrue, we are worshipping here right now. Nothing happened.

“For everybody who tells a story that is not true, whether you are telling it online or in hardcopy paper, channel or whatever, I refer you to Revelation 21:8 “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death”.

“When you tell a story that is not true it is hellfire you are playing with. When you push stories that you are not sure of or rumors that are not correct, it is hellfire you are playing with.

“There is no truth in what they said. In a particular location, a petty thieve tried to enter the church to steal something in the night but was resisted, an alarm was raised and he ran off the fence.

“Then one demonic agent pick a hint of such unsuccessful misadventure of petty criminals and said armed men attack worshippers. That devil is a bastard. Nothing like that has happened and it will never happen in Jesus’ name”.


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