
Put selfish interest aside, Venerable Olaleye charges politicians

Public office holders and those in positions of authority have been charged to put aside personal and selfish interests and focus on serving the people who voted them into the office, while also keeping faith with their oath of office and tenets of good attitude, as they will be accountable to God for every action they take while in office.

The vicar-in-charge of Our Saviour’s Anglican Church, Oke-Ata, Housing Estate, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Venerable Isaac Olaleye, gave this charge during the church’s celebration of accomplished worthy parents, the commemoration of departed souls, and immortalisation of an icon, Mrs Kehinde Olaitan Ogunsola, recently.

Venerable Olaleye reiterated that those in positions of authority must focus on serving those who voted for them as they should be served first before any other personal consideration, adding that if those in authority solely focus on the yearnings of their people, Nigeria will be a better country to live in.

“Our people in authority should know that they are not there based on their power but by God’s grace and the vote of people who came together to put them in office to serve them. They should know that in the end, they are going to give an account of their stewardship before man and God.

“Therefore, they should consider those who put them there before considering their purse and put aside the attitude of not caring about the people who they are in office to serve,” Olaleye said.

Speaking on the idea behind the event themed ‘Be relevant to your generation,’ the cleric stated that celebrating and honouring departed souls, is the church’s way of recognising people who lived impactful life by bringing succor to people around them and dedicating their time and resources to God and mankind.

“It is just to celebrate those who lived purposeful lives and those who made a positive impact while they were alive. We also immortalised Mrs Kehinde Olaitan Ogunsola, who died two years ago, because she touched so many lives.

“Therefore, the programme is just a message to people in the world that they should do something that will make people remember them after their departure. They should strive to make a positive impact. So, in essence, the programme is for everybody to be relevant to their generation. They should not just come to the world without doing something tangible that will affect people positively,” he said.

According to him, Mama Ogunsola’s character and way of life were worthy of emulation, adding that, “Mama served her generation. She was relevant to people around her. She was relevant to the family, to the church, to the society at large.”

He explained that it is not only by money that people can make an impact, adding that, “there are other ways we can impact the lives of people around us without money. You can use your time to serve people. However, if you have money, use it to assist people, but if you don’t have, there are many other things you can do.”


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