
It is not every obedience that works, obedience that works must be revelation rooted, Pastor Oyedepo Jnr.


Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr. 

By Abosede Bankole

The Resident Pastor, Faith Tabernacle, Headquarters of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr. has said it is not every obedience that works, obedience that works must be revelation rooted, be prompt and be done willingly.

Pastor Oyedepo who note this yesterday said passing the obedience test is what qualifies a believer for enthronement in this kingdom and whatever God's word says do, don't just know it or quote it, do it.

He said it is the depth of our understanding that determines the height of our achievements.

In his word;"Obedience is a vital necessity in the life of every believer. In fact the Bible says obedience speaks louder than any form of sacrifice that a man can ever offer (1 Samuel 15:22-23).  There is no level of sacrifice that one can offer that can be a substitute for obedience. Furthermore we discover that obedience is the gateway to enthronement for any believer both in the now and the there after (Deuteronomy 28:1-2). Our elevation, our promotion, our enthronement is all tied to our obedience. 

"In Philippians Chapter 2, we are shown the example of Jesus and told to emulate the same to get the same outcome (Philippians 2:5,8,9).  Clearly from scriptures, we discover from the pattern of Jesus that obedience is the gateway to our enthronement. 

That is why we are going to be exploring this subject in our Mid-Week services all through this month captioned UNDERSTANDING THE OBEDIENCE THAT WORKS."

"It is not all obedience that works. We must understand how to position ourselves in the obedience that works. Obedience is the only way to prove the validity of any biblical truth (Psalms 34:8). We must position ourselves to taste the goodness of God by obeying the commandment of God, it is our obedience that positions us to practically experience what God has provided for."

"Mathew 6:33 – to experience the addition of all things, you must obey the Kingdom first. Until you obey, you can’t prove the validity of what the scriptures has to offer. Doing what God says to do is what commits God to perform in our lives. Whatever God's word says do, don’t just know it, do it. Don’t just discover it, do it. Don’t just write it, do it. The mother of Jesus did not say “just listen to what he tells you to do” but “whatever he tells you to do, do it”. When they did what He said they should do, they saw what they desired."

"Every one that fell on good ground are those that heard the word and the Bible says they understood the word. But every one of them brought results at different levels. The difference maker in the results that they got was the depth of their understanding.  We must come to realize that it is the depth of our understanding that determines the height of our achievement. In the school of obedience, you and I must go for revelation. When we are unable to secure the level of results that we desire on a truth that we have discovered, it is a pointer to the fact that our revelation is insufficient."

"The only way to show that you know is to show it with proofs. When the proofs are insufficient there is a demand to go for further light. When something is seen by the eyes of the spirit sufficiently, it is going to be held by your hands practically. You naturally take delivery of what you can see clearly, until our eyes of understanding are opened, we cannot take full delivery of what ever it is we are engaging with. It is not enough for us to obey instruction, we must go for revelation. The revelation we engage in our application, determines the level of manifestation that we see. It is not enough to know His will, it is not enough to even do His will, it is vital for us to have revelation. It is the light that we have that determines the height that we scale."

"When light comes, you naturally take flight. That is why it is not enough for us to engage we must engage with spiritual understanding. I want each of us to examine ourselves, when there is something we are doing that God commanded and the results is not as expected, check revelation. Search for light, go for greater insight, the brighter the light, the greater the flight. To engage this light, we must learn to seek the help of the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of our understanding. The more we seek the help of the Holy Spirit, He opens the eyes of our understanding to begin to see the light of God’s Word in a way that we ought to and as a result of that we begin to gain results. The Holy Spirit is the only one that enhances our understanding. When your light comes your flight starts. It is not enough just to engage in obedience we must go for light. Go for understanding. We keep hearing testimonies of people who caught a word and that word became a fuel for their engagement and as a result of that the manifestation was captured. All you and I require is to capture the light for our engagement.  For instance, people have been tithing for a very long time but it was when we caught the light that we began to see the manifestation. Those days they used to refer to people that they are as poor as church rat. People were paying their tithe to a particular degree but there was no light and as a result of that they could not gain access to what the tithe could procure. So their obedience was without revelation and as a result there was no manifestation. So you and I must understand that our manifestation depends on our Revelation. It is that revelation, that makes the difference."

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